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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fish "Craftivity"

In the education world recently, a new term seems to have popped up - "craftivity."  This word refers to a craft project that invovles a more thought-provoking and corresponding educational activity.  At the beginning of the school year, I completed a fish craftivity to go along with my "Dive In" back-to-school theme. 

Each student researched different sea creatures using nonfiction trade books and internet articles.  During the research, we discussed the restating of facts (how to avoid plaigerism), and reviewed how to write a coherent, complete sentence.  Students took their research and made a model and a poster of their creature.

The posters included facts, visual representations and a heading (we discussed and reviewed non-fiction text features).  I gave each student a paper roll, and they created their own sea creature.

First, students flattened the rolls and painted a background. 

 Then, they added details (gills, stripes, colors, scales, etc.). 

Teeth (if applicable) were added, and then other specific physical traits were created.  I was proud of their finished products!

We made a display of their work.  Don't you love what I "caught" in my net?