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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Book Frame Labels

     I have HUNDREDS of books in my classroom.  I have had very generous family members/colleagues donate books to my library (especially my mother), I have purchased many on sale at bookstores and yard sales through the years and earned free books from Scholastic Book Club orders.  I also have many of my own books from my childhood.  A large classroom library is a wonderful resource, but it can be very difficult to manage and organize.  After 11 years of teaching, I am still trying to organize the "beast" of my classroom library.  I recently purchased some new shelving and plan to overhaul my current system this week.  I bought frames to place on top of the various shelves I bought, so I made some unique signs for each bookcase.  These signs are mainly for my chapter books/novels only.  I have to work on a completely different system for my picture books. :-)

     I worked hard on these signs and thought I would share them with others who might like to use them in some capacity in their own classroom.  I will frame these, but they could be used as hanging signs, labels, etc.  Enjoy!

Click below for a Word document version!

Book Frame Labels